While the COVID-19 landscape has improved dramatically in terms of markedly lower hospitalizations and deaths, the continued threat presented by new variants means that COVID-19 will be requiring our attention and efforts for the foreseeable future. Messaging about and administration of COVID-19 vaccines remains critically important as a key prevention strategy. It is essential that individuals that are exposed or symptomatic test promptly and that rapid access to therapeutics is available for those at higher risk. Because the initiation of treatment is time-sensitive, we encourage providers to look at their office processes to ensure that all exposed and/or symptomatic patients are able to access prompt testing and treatment in an office or telehealth visit. Please note that guidance has changed and treatment is recommended for all adults 50 and over as well as those with high risk or very high risk conditions. High risk includes unvaccinated or under-vaccinated individuals. Please remember even those with mild or moderate symptoms should be treated.
At Partnership, we are working with the Department of Health Care Services to help ensure that you have easy access to information and resources you and your patients may need. Please check this page regularly for updated information.
Please note that there is currently a state-funded California's COVID-19 telehealth service available to residents. Partnership has placed this on our member page as an additional resource for obtaining rapid COVID-19 treatment.
Visit https://sesamecare.com/covid or call 833-686-5051. Services are expected to continue through February 2024.