IMPORTANT: If PG&E needs to turn off an electricity in an area for safety, all customers who receive power
in that area will be affected.
If you require electricity for your medical needs, you may be eligible for PG&E’s Medical Baseline
Program. If you are a Medical Baseline customer, your power can be shut off during a Public
Safety Power Shutoff, but PG&E will provide advanced notice, giving you more time to prepare.
To learn more about the Medical Baseline program or to sign up, click here or call (800) 743-5000.
Community Resource Centers - To support customers in the impacted counties, PG&E has opened Community Resource Centers in multiple locations.
Battery Loan Program - Independent Living Centers in Partnership's service area have partnered with PG&E to offer people with medical equipment assistance with getting back-up batteries, creating disaster plans, applying to PG&E's Medical Baseline Program, and more. Fill out the universal form, Power Safety Shutoff Resources Application found here
Reduce your energy bill through the Medical Baseline Program - Medical Baseline Program guidelines, Click here.